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Open Cell Grilyato (Griliato) Suspended Ceiling

Metal suspended ceiling is a ceiling design prepared in two different forms with a variety of decorative surfaces. While you can choose thin steel, it is also possible to use aluminium sheet. It has two different surface forms, matte and glossy, depending on your preference. The product coated with a polymer layer gains functionality with a mirror metallized layer. At the same time, it provides durability in application with its metal structure in suspended ceiling models, which are available in many varieties. Open Cell suspended ceilings are a part of the decoration and add a spacious structure to the area. It creates a stylish appearance by eliminating the flat appearance of the ceiling.


Most Preferred Suspended Ceilings

Among the most preferred ones, the Panel 85 suspended ceiling model has a unique design. It creates a durable structure with the use of galvanization with aluminum. It can be easily cleaned as it has an anti-magnetic field. The other model is the panel 200 suspended ceiling type. They exhibit a harmonious structure for outdoor use. At the same time, a durable material choice was made. Vector suspended ceilings are among the most preferred models. We design it with the appearance of a suspended ceiling without reducing the ceiling volume of the room. It offers a view that covers the ceiling using vector panels. It can be easily disassembled and installed.


The mesh suspended ceiling model provides the best air circulation in the area where we apply it. It is a system most preferred in the industrial field. It illuminates the environment in the best way by providing excellent light transmittance with its appearance. Multicell suspended ceiling type, which is widely used, is a special model that adds depth to the space. Made of galvanized steel with aluminium. The most preferred areas include many areas such as airline terminals, shopping malls, metro stations and pubs.

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What are the Advantages of Suspended Ceiling?

Metal suspended ceiling has a unique design and is a useful design form. It also helps you adjust the acoustics of the sound inside by providing the best sound insulation. It also provides insulation by lowering the height of the ceiling. In this way, it facilitates the heating of your environment. It illuminates the entire room with metal suspended ceiling panels that present a stylish appearance in every home. Thus, it supports the formation of a bright area by reflecting light. Ceiling options are; It varies as plasterboard, vector, rock wool, tiled, acoustic and metal.

All of our products are manufactured in accordance with the ISO 9001 Standards of the Quality Management System.

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Where are Grilyato Open Cell Suspended Ceilings Used?

Metal content models, which are the most preferred among the ceiling models, adapt to your home decoration with their color options. Apart from this, its usage areas are mostly offices, businesses, subways, transportation terminals and warehouses. Clipin is prepared by mounting metal plates on the grid system. Minimum lowering of the ceiling is ensured. Aluminum suspended ceiling is a very common ceiling system used in many hotels and workplaces. In addition, it is preferred in many commercial areas such as train stations, airline terminals, offices and restaurants. The suspended ceilings we install use galvanized steel. We also preferred aluminum in some models. Therefore, it does not cause any deformation if you use it for a long time. Suspended ceiling systems, which you can choose especially with their durable structure, add elegance to your decoration.

Here at Astav, we continue to be the company that creates value for our customers and employees.

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What are Suspended Ceiling Models?

Among the ceiling types with different options, the honeycomb suspended ceiling is integrated with a self-supporting system. In addition, the system we designed in honeycomb shape displays an elegant stance. Other options include the baffle suspended ceiling type; It includes panels prepared in different sizes and hung vertically. Most importantly, panels made of metal are both durable and help you adjust the light reflection in the best way.


The clip-in suspended ceiling model, known for its widespread use among many types, contains aluminum and galvanized. It creates a durable structure when the plates are mounted on the omega carrier. The carriers are not visible on the suspended ceiling, which also has a simple appearance. We produce the Suspended and Seated System suspended ceiling models in two different forms: perforated and non-perforated. First of all, thanks to its light structure, it allows easy assembly and disassembly. It provides you with high comfort in cold weather with its structure that prevents heat loss. Thus, it does not lose its acoustic form by hiding unwanted plumbing cables.

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